{Nerd}超酷的Google Chrome Speed Tests

The life of my browser had been kidnaped by Safari Since I bought my first Mac.

During the period of being kidnaped, I told my friends and families that how fabulous the Safari was.

Yet  since a moment in the last year, I have been having troubles watching Youtube on the Safari.  Also, the safari always showed its classical twisting beach-ball. (Just like the sandglass on the Windows. )

In that case, I had no choice but tried the Chrome that I had downloaded but had never used.  Guess what? It's terribly awesome.

I almost couldn't believe its astonishing speed. You might be curious how fast it is? Let's watch the video above.

在此大力再向眾親友推薦Google Chrome,簡單,快速,絕對顛覆你的使用經驗!
Here, I strongly recommend Google Chrome to all of my friends and families.  It is very simple, super fast, and it wil definitely be a revolutionist in browsing experience.

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